CBS hosts conference on Health Management
How can we reduce absence due to sickness at the Danish workplaces?
In Denmark and the Nordic countries there is a high level of absence due to sickness partly caused by an increasing service industry and partly caused by a shift from physical work to more sedentary tasks.
CBS is hosting a conference on Health Management in order to bring awareness to the increasing number of people who are absent due to sickness at the Danish workplaces. Health Management is a new management tool, which can help companies reduce the days of absence due to sickness by taking health promoting actions such as i.e. Novo Nordisk’s NovoSund. However, research has shown that it is important for top management to integrate a health management strategy with other important elements of the company such as management, development of the organisation, marketing, advantages of competitiveness etc. in order to reach the desired goal (less days of absence).
The conference “SundDialog” takes place at CBS, 20 April 2006, 13:00-17:00.