CBS welcomes Executive MBA Class of 2007 – 2008
Charlotte Fly Andersen, Director MBA Programs, welcomed 48 participants to the Executive MBA Class at the introduction weekend which took place from 18 to 21 January 2007. Participants get a chance to be acquainted with their fellow classmates who they will be spending the coming 21 months together. CBS has again attracted a class of highly qualified participants coming from a wide selection of industries and functional areas. The average age of this class is 37 with an average of 12 years of work experience. Furthermore, 19% are women and 17% are international participants coming from Iceland, Italy, Pakistan, Serbia and Sweden.
Dr. Mogens Bjerre, Associate Dean for the Executive MBA Program, gave an introduction to the learning philosophy of the program. He invited the participants to give input on what they expected from each other during the course of the study and how they could enrich the learning experience of each other. Furthermore, Bjerre also discussed the upcoming marketing project and California study tour.
Leadership lies at the heart of the Executive MBA at CBS. Professor Flemming Poufelt and Ann Regan, visiting faculty from Ireland, introduced the participant to the topics they will be looking at during the Executive MBA in the area of leadership development. The introduction weekend concluded on Sunday morning with a networking event with the family of the Executive MBA participants.