Denmark is among the most successful of the OECD countries

International conference covers the causes


Despite a heavy tax burden, an encompassing welfare state, a high degree of

regulation and a very open economy Denmark has outdone most of the highly

developed marked economies since the 1980?ies.

A large international conference at CBS on May 11th will focus on analyzing

and debating Denmark's success ? the occasion is the publication of the

book: "National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism: The Danish

Experience". The main conclusion of this book is that Danish and economical

institutions have been able to further a smooth adjustment to the challenges

of globalization.

"The purpose of this conference is to discuss the institutional conditions'

economical, political and cultural - that have enabled Denmark to be among

the most successful OECD countries in the global economy. The conference

addresses both the historical and institutional reasons for Denmark's

productivity and challenges ahead. Another subject to be discussed is the

possibility that Denmark could be an ideal model for the future of Europe,

both among politicians and researchers, as well as in the public debate",

Professor Ove K. Petersen says.

The conference takes place on May 11th from 10 am - 4 pm at CBS, Solbjerg

Plads 3 in Danske Bank Auditorium, 2.01 with the participation of Henning

Christophersen and Mogens Lykketoft.


National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism: The Danish Experiment


John L. Campbell, Professor in Sociology, Darthmouth College, visiting

professor at International Center for Business and Politics, CBS,

John A. Hall, Dean, Faculty of Arts, McGill University

Ove K. Pedersen, Professor and Director of the Center for International

Business and Politics, CBS.Politics, CBS.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/10/2006