Electronic elections at Danish universities

- Half of Danish universities hold electronic elections and more universities are joining the cooperation.


Half of Danish universities hold electronic elections

When students and employees at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), The Technical University of Denmark, Aalborg University, and Aarhus university put a cross against their preferred candidate at this autumn's elections for the Board, the Academic Council, and the Study Board, they did not do it on paper, but electronically on the Internet.

System developed by CBS

- Holding an election is a complicated affair, so naturally, it is also complicated to make a system to support it. Instead of all universities each inventing an electronic election system, they might as well use the system that is already developed for this purpose, says Annie Stahel, Project Director, Department of IT.

More digital services for students

Until now, four Danish universities have held electronic elections through the system. The University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark are currently preparing a trial election before they decide whether election tables and paper ballot cards should be replaced with the new system.

Electronic elections

The electronic election system is a system for electronic elections at universities in Denmark. The system is developed by CBS in cooperation with three other universities as part of The Danish Rectors’ Conference’s project Digital Forvaltning (Digital Management) with economic help from the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The interest group of Danish universities, The Danish Rectors’ Conference (from 1 January 2008, Danish Universities) has recently decided to strengthen the cooperation within IT by establishing a joint IT organisation named UNI-IT.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/22/2010