Event Management & Drive
Event Management and Drive
Ole Fogh Kirkeby’s new book: “Event Management and Drive” is published 8 March 2006 by Børsen Forlag. In his book, Ole Fogh Kirkeby claims that it is the Manager’s task to create an atmosphere of drive and to make sure it is implemented in the company.
Book presentation Wednesday 15 March, CBS, Solbjerg Plads 3, 14:00 - 17:00, 2.01 - DANSKE BANK Lecture Hall .
The event is open for everybody and free of charge. Registration is necessary. E-mail Rikke Ørtved på |
Ole Fogh Kirkeby is a professor in Management Philosophy and Director of Center of Art & Leadership. He has written the books
"Det nye Lederskab", "
Filosofiske Fortællinger", "
Eventum Tantum - begivenhedens etos" og "
Fusionsledelse i det offentlige".