Idea House CBS becomes CSE Lab
Student growth house changes its name
The student growth house at Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE) changes its name from IDEA House to CSE Lab. The name change marks a closer relation to CSE and an increased focus on the Copenhagen collaboration. That being said, the students are not going to see any large changes.
Same services
- We are still offering the same services - coaching, office space, workshops, etc., says Nynne Christiansen, Leader of CSE.
- Hopefully we will see a positive effect in terms of larger synergy with the rest of CSE. For instance, the sender having the same logo will result in communication being less confusing. It will stress that CSE is the general offer for the students no matter where they come from, that being Stardust, Venture Cup, the growth house, etc.
More non-CBS students in the growth house
By increasing focus on the Copenhagen collaboration in CSE Lab, CSE is taking a dose of the medicine that they nomally give to the students: - We tell them constantly that they need to think in an interdisciplinary way to create the best possible projects. We are taking the consequences of that and increase our focus on taking non-CBS students into the growth house, says Nynne Christiansen and points out the parallel to CBS' strategy discussions: The fact that we emphasise interdisciplinarity and increased regional - and global for that matter - focus, is very much in line with the visions of the strategy debate.
Continued collaboration with national network
Nynne also stresses that CSE Lab still will be cooperating closely with the national student growth house network. The IDEA House initiative, as the growth house used to be part of, will continue, but is now centred on the University of Southern Denmark.
CSE celebrates the name change with a reception on Wednesday 25 August from 15:00-17:00 at Howitzvej 60, 1st floor. RSVP to Janne Nielsen ( no later than 24 August.