MBA Class of 2006 Graduated


Participants in the full-time MBA Class of 2006 were joined by their families and friends, faculty and staff at their official graduation ceremony on 19 August 2006 at the Dalgas Have campus of Copenhagen Business School. The ceremony was hosted by Christer Karlsson, Dean of CBS Executive and Per Junker Thiesgaard, MBA Program Director.

Dean Karlsson’s introductory speech emphasized on the responsibility of CBS as a university in terms of contribution to research, teaching as well as its role in society. He asked the MBA graduates to reflect on their recent journey in the MBA and discovered how they have developed themselves as competent and promising future leaders.

Dr. Gianpiero Petriglieri, Visiting Professor at CBS Executive/Affiliate Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD in Fontainebleau France was our keynote speaker at the ceremony. Petriglieri congratulated the 36 newly-minted MBAs. He mentioned that it has been an intense and fascinating year for the participants but also for him as a member of the faculty. Many moments and exchanges came to his mind when he prepared his speech. He praised the MBAs’ ability to give voice to their feelings and he encouraged the participants to continue with that in their personal and professional life.

Line Nørman Christensen, MBA Program Manager, congratulated the class on their hard work and praised them for keeping their spirit throughout the year. She then announced the “MBA of the Year” award which went to Christine Blin from Iceland. The "MBA of the Year" is nominated by the participants of the class on the basis of who best exemplify as someone who is supportive and inspirational during the whole year.

On the Dean's list this year is Sarvjeet Kaur Sharma from India. She has the higest average in the class and received the award from Dean Karlsson. Furthermore, Dean Karlsson thanked Elin Granz from Iceland and Jamil Barmania from Canada on their active participation in the study board. Professor Jeff Gramlich who taught the course Financial Accounting was voted the most appreciated professor by the class. The ceremony concluded with a speech of thanks to the faculty, mentors and the administration by Scott Dille from the United States.

Since it began in 2003, CBS offers the only full-time MBA Program in Denmark. Considered as the flagship program at CBS, the full-time MBA has attracted many talented, high-potential participants to the program each year. Representing 15 different nationalities, the MBA Class of 2006 have been selected for the program on the basis of their extraordinary international, professional and academic performance. The intensive one-year MBA has a general management orientation. In addition to the entrepreneurship and innovation focus and the leadership discovery process in the curriculum, the participants are given the opportunity to apply their talents and knowledge in a client-based integrated strategy project.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/03/2007