MBA of The Year

New award for CBS MBA-alumni


New award for CBS MBA-alumni.

The Board of MBA Alumni Association, The CBS Alumni Society has instituted a new award “MBA of the Year”. The award will be presented at the annual board gala dinner on June 2nd, 2007 and it will be presented to a new member who has achieved extraordinary or innovative results for his/her career or otherwise.

“Increasingly our members achieve remarkable results in their managerial positions or their companies and we on the board would like to celebrate with “MBA of the Year”. Both the nomination and the award help spread the knowledge of the education and thereby the network.” Says student Jens Blomgren-Hansen to Børsen on Friday, March 2nd.

Read more about the Alumni Society

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/06/2007