New PhD fellow at CSA

on a joint scholarship with the Danish Institute for Human Rights


has joined the Center for the Study of the Americas on a three year scholarship offered jointly with the Danish Institute for Human Rights and funded by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. Beth describes her project in the following terms:

Overall Project Goal:

The goal is to make the voices, needs, fears, hopes, dreams and rights of undocumented Latin American youth heard and seen via ethnographic and qualitative research. While the complex realities of undocumented youth are gaining exposure, there is still a paucity of in-depth narratives and analysis to depict the collective cultural plight, humanize the issues in popular and political discourse and make reform imminent. The project seeks to add to current information and to contribute to a greater awareness, humanize issues and ensure youth are part of the moral, sustainable solution in comprehensive immigration reform, particularly surrounding access to higher education, but also including employment opportunities.


I will conduct research via ethnographic methods (e.g. interviews, shadowing, focus groups, etc.) to conduct my cultural analysis. I will incorporate cultural theories (e.g. identity, narratives, culture, power, marginalization, etc.) in my analysis of the everyday struggles, wants, needs and rights in theory vs. practice. The project also focuses on user-driven innovation. The “user” is the undocumented youth, as well as the faculty and administrators who work with them and must navigate the various, current immigration & educational policies. As part of my analysis, I want to illuminate trends, needs and gaps in information, resources and services so that needs, rights and wants of undocumented youth are better addressed & fulfilled.

Beth can be contacted at

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/30/2011