Public policy-making to be rethought at CBS

Prominent political thinkers from both Denmark and abroad will meet to discuss political problems in a globalised world.


How do we solve the financial crisis across the public and private sector? How do we best ensure long-term financial solutions? According to a new initiative at CBS, collaboration across the public and the private sector is a part of the solution.The CBS Public-Private Platform Collaboratory, which is held this week, is the first annual conference that will change the way we perceive collaboration.Prominent political thinkers from both Denmark and abroad will meet to discuss political problems in a globalised world.- We want some of the world's leading thinkers in the public policy area to bring new and innovative thinking. How do we include the citizens in the legislation instead of ignoring them?, says Paul du Gay, Professor at the Department of Organization and co-organiser of the conference.


Visit from Downing Street and Down Under

One of the participants is David Halpern, Director of ’The No10/ Cabinet Office Behavioural Insight Team’ in London, whose primary purpose is to limit the restrictions in relation to the business community. Halpern works with nudging, which is about making the citizens do what the government wants through regulation. Among other initiatives, the team have introduced that applicants for drivers licenses take a stand on organ donation. This issue is often subject to debate in Denmark, which is why, according to Paul du Gay, it is a good example that collaborating across borders is very relevant.Tom Bentley, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, will also attend the conference. With his vast experience within public policy, he will share his thoughts on how a long-term political collaboration between public and private actors is best ensured.- Australia's political landscape is very similar to Denmark's. We are facing similar problems, which is why it is natural to discuss the problems across borders, sectors and political affiliations, says Paul du Gay.


Number one in Europe

Even though the focus on the collaboration between the public and the private sector has increased, this conference is not just a temporary phenomenon.- The mission is to create a hub for public policy thinking and research. CBS must be a generator of new knowledge and research in the area, and a place where students will search for this new knowledge. We wish to interact with integrate with both departments, programmes and lecturers in order for CBS to become leading in Europe within public policy research, says Paul du Gay.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 06/11/2012