Raw Material Building converted into CBS research, education, and administration facilities

In February, CBS started the conversion of the old Raw Material Building of the Copenhagen Porcelain Factory


In February, CBS started the conversion of the old Raw Material Building of the Copenhagen Porcelain Factory. The conversion is expected to be completed in the summer of 2009, so CBS can move in and use the building for research, education, and administration.

The two companies, Henning Larsen Architects A/S and Brødsgaard A/S, have prepared the project for the Raw Material Building. As part of the conversion, the yellow concrete facade opposite Frederiksberg Have (park) will be demolished, and instead, a glass facade will be built with panels of various angles reflecting the trees in the park. The CBS courtyard north of the building will be covered with granite flagstones and a water sculpture will be constructed.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact project manager, Lisbet Røgind from CBS Buildings: lr.byg@cbs.dk or construction leader, Matthias Lehr from Henning Larsen Architects A/S: mal@henninglarsen.com.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/19/2009