Recognition to the CBS colleagues of the year

According to Per Holten-Andersen. President of CBS, both students and staff are doing a fine job. 20 of them were celebrated at the Prize Winners' Reception on 3 April. They all received a sum of money and plenty of praise because of their special efforts during the past year


The student population is growing, more research are being conducted, more courses are being offered, and the number of lessons is increasing. There is plenty of reason for celebrating. At this year's Prize Winners' Reception, CBS gave recognition to those who made an impact in 2012.

Excellent role models
20 CBS students, researchers and administrative employees received both checks and praise from President Per Holten-Andersen, who addressed the importance of CBS acknowledging individuals and groups, who make a special effort at this university:

- A university has always had a special culture of striving towards excellence and giving inspiration for extraordinary performances. This is  - and has to be - an incentive to academic staff, administrative staff and students. As part of nurturing this culture, CBS has decided to award an education prize, a student prize and an administration prize, says Per Holten-Andersen.

Extrovert economist
One of the prize winners in the category "CBS Education Prize", Ken L. Bechmann from the Department of Finance, demonstrated his teaching skills at the ceremony. He spoke of his research using an analogy of cars driving too fast on the motorway. The banks need to be careful, because speeding kills. He is teaching CBS' elite students in advanced economics and receives the award for his ability to communicate his message. He sees this award as an important acknowledgement of the more extrovert aspects of research:

- This award is a clear pat on the back. There is a lot of focus on publishing in academic journals, which is important, but with these prizes CBS is demonstrating the focus on other aspects of research communication that are appreciated - more extrovert goals within dissemination and teaching. Prize Winners' Reception shows that this aspect also is appreciated. So, to me it is an important recognition and not just the money that matter, says Ken L. Bechmann.

Just as the other recipients, Ken L. Bechmann has received excellent evaluations by the students.

Individuals raise CBS
Both students and administrative staff received prizes for activity-creating initiatives and successful relations at CBS. Student Nadia Al Zagir received a prize of DKK 20,000 for her tremendous effort in preparing her fellow students for their oral exams - she has helped more than 400 students.

Tine Silfvander, Programme Administrator from the Department of International Business Communication was one out of two administrative employees who received DKK 20,000 and a huge pat on the shoulder for her extraordinary effort within safety and health at CBS as well as her catching enthusiasm.

Per Holten-Andersen praised each and every one of the recipients highly:
- The Prize Winners' Reception is about emphasising and acknowledging specific examples and their significant impact on CBS, as well as the individual's importance to the whole and CBS' recognition that both individuals and groups boost the ambitions and performances of CBS, he says.

Contact: Karen Slej, Research Consultant, or Ea Ørum, Journalist,


DSEB* and CBS prizes 2013

DSEB Research Prize – DKK 50,000

David Lando, Professor, Department of Finance

Leonard Seabrooke, Professor, Department of Business and Politics

DSEB Research Dissemination Prize – DKK 50,000

Management Studies of the Building Process, Kristian Kreiner, Professor, Department of Organization

Flemming Poulfelt, Professor, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

DSEB Education Prize – DKK 50,000

The team around Introductory Managerial Economics:

Eric Bentzen, Associate Professor, Department of Operations Management

Carsten Scheibye, PhD student, Department of Operations Management

Kjeld Tyllesen, Assistant Professor, Department of Operations Management

Victor Lund, Assistant Professor, Department of Operations Management

Tamas Vamosi, Associate Professor, Department of Operations Management

CBS Education Prize – DKK 25,000

Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Strategic Management and Globalization

Ken L. Bechmann, Professor, Department of Finance

CBS Student Prize – DKK 20,000

CBS Wine: Peter Buch Hansen, Thor Jensen Mårup, Asbjørn May, Morten Tarris

Nadia Al Zagir

Sebastian Damm

CBS Administration Prize – DKK 20,000

Tine Silfvander, Programme Administrator, Department of International Business Communication

Lidija Omeragic, Administrative Officer, Financial Support Unit

* DSEB is the Danish Society for Education and Business - formerly known as FUHU.  Birgit Aagard-Svendsen, Chairman of DSEB, who presented the prizes of DSEB at the ceremony, said that "DSEB works to increase value creation in Danish companies and the Danish society through support to the development of business-related teaching and research competences required by the global business community."

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/09/2013