Time after Blair

- summer meeting with Anthony Giddens


Summer meeting with Anthony Giddens

The world renowned British sociologist Anthony Giddens visits CBS on August 1st and offers his take on how New Labour with Gordon Brown in charge can continue to combine economical growth with social justice.

The audience will also have the opportunity to debate subjects like new public management in the current quality reform with Anthony Giddens.

Advisor politicians from all over the world

Giddens has had a lot of influence on the politics in several countries. His advice and guidance has been requested by political leaders in Asia, Latin America and Australia as well as in the US and Europe.

He has been very influential on the development of New Labour in Great Britain and he participated in the original Blair-Clinton dialogues from 1997 and onwards.

Sommermødet er arrangeret af CBS og Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/09/2007