
Danske artikler om en lang rækker emner indenfor medarbejderforhold, som aflønning og rekruttering, udvikling af karriere, ledelse og organisation samt forskellige ledelsesformer.


Danske artikler om en lang rækker emner indenfor medarbejderforhold, som aflønning og rekruttering, udvikling af karriere, ledelse og organisation samt forskellige ledelsesformer.

LeadingCapacity contents

Articles, cases, and themes on various HR issues, e.g. salary, recruitment, career development, management, and organization

LeadingCapacity is a good place to start an initial exploration of a topic. All entries are in Danish written by professionals in an easy-to-understand fashion.

Content is created both by LeadingCapacity staff and freelancing practitioners from the public and private sectors, academia (including CBS), news media, and consulting companies.

Hints from the librarian 

You will find articles, cases, and tools under Videncenter.

LeadingCapacity facts

Language Danish
Provider LeadingCapacity


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/03/2024