Business Source Ultimate contains +5000 full text journals. This includes Harvard Business Review, industry and company profiles, industry and market reports, case studies and SWOT analysis.
Search across EBSCOhost databases, e.g. Business Source Ultimate, Communication and Mass Media Complete, and SocINDEX. Handy if you are unsure of which database is the best for the subject at hand.
Search across library holdings, including print and electronic books, articles from selected databases, and CBS theses. Use Libsearch to renew loans and make reservations.
The AIS eLibrary provides access to research papers, journal articles, and conference papers relevant to the information systems academic community. Contents are sponsored by AIS (Association for Information Systems).
BrowZine is an exciting service that lets you explore, read and follow the best academic journals. Use it on your computer or download the app for your phone or tablet. You'll never run out of good stuff to read.
Copenhagen Business School research database. Provides an overview of CBS research and communication activities from 1999 - present. The database also contains student theses from 2009-present.
Access to newspapers including archives, journals, and databases covering political, social, and economic aspects of life in the region. CrossAsia replaces AsiaPortal. comprises the print version of The Economist. Select "Current Edition" for access to the latest issue.
The Economist covers politics, current affairs, as well as all aspects of world business and trade.
Covering 203 countries, EIU Viewpoint provides analyses of economic conditions, the business environment, key industry sectors, supply and demand for major commodities, and coverage of global macroeconomic trends. EIU is Economist Intelligence Unit.
Qualified information on European Union legislation, institutions, and political activity as well as on European countries, regions, and international organisations.
Search for scholarly articles in Google's academic search engine. See how to set up scholar to show content available for CBS students and staff through CBS Library subscriptions.
Reference work containing in-depth articles on statistics, including data mining, time series analyses, psychometrics, econometrics, and applied industry statistics.
IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in computer science, energy, transportation, electronics, and related disciplines. IEEE Xplore contains full-text documents from IEEE journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and standards.
News about private equity funds, venture funds, investment companies and other investors' share purchases and transactions in unlisted companies in Denmark.
Karnov: Skat og Regnskab is part of Karnov Group and is designed for professionals working with taxation, VAT, auditing, and accounting (NB! Only in Danish and Remote access for CBS Students - follow the link til )
Keenious can search for literature using your prose texts. This way Keenious makes it easy to explore new and unfamiliar topics and find valuable sources.
International law journals dealing with arbitration, tax law, energy and environmental law, commercial law, corporate law, European law, and competition law.
Market statistics and reports, lifestyle and consumer analyses by country and region from EUROMONITOR. The main focus of the content is on FMCG – fast moving consumer goods.
Index of articles and books covering philosophy, history of ideas, and history as well as area studies, the humanities, and social sciences. A lot of the titles are available in full-text,
Platform with access to 13 journals covering financial research for all in the investment sector through practical, actionable research.
Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Fixed Income and Journal of Financial Data Science are some of the available journals.
Journal articles from the field of psychology and publications on the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
Social sciences literature review tool. Subjects include business and management, media and communication, psychology, politics and international relations, sociology, criminology, education, geography, and health and social care.
Current Danish news on a variety of industries. Watch Medier delivers industry-oriented news on individual sites but from this platform, you can search across all their news sites.
Access to Økonomisk Ugebrev and its newsletters on the financial services industry and the business life. Main focus is Denmark and the Nordic countries. The content is in Danish.