Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies

Cases dealing with decision-making and managerial development in emerging markets.

Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies

Cases dealing with decision-making and managerial development in emerging markets.

Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection contents

Peer-reviewed cases published by Emerald and dealing with decision-making and managerial development in emerging market regions of Asia, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

Some cases are accompanied by suggestions by the author as to how the case can be used in class.

 We do not have access to cases from The CASE Journal.

Hints from the librarian 

For CBS employees who want to use these cases in teaching, teaching notes are available. These can only be viewed if you have created a profile.

Access to Teaching Notes

Access to teaching notes requires the following:

  1. Register a profile on the Emerald Platform 
  2. Contact Emerald Customer Support to verify that you are a member of the teaching staff based at CBS (they reserve the right to validate this).

Read more about accessing Teaching Notes at Emerald Customer Support


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection facts

Geography Emerging Markets
Provider Emerald


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 12/02/2024