Watch Medier
Watch Medier contents
A collected entry point to all Watch Medier. Watch Medier is part of the JP/Politikens Hus.
CBS Library provides access to the following Watch Media, which can be found in the list of databases:
- AdvokatWatch
- AgriWatch
- AmWatch
- CleantechWatch
- DetailWatch
- EjendomsWatch
- FinansWatch
- FødevareWatch
- ITWatch
- K-Forum
- KapitalWatch
- MedWatch
- MediaWatch
- MobilityWatch
- PolicyWatch
- ShippingWatch
Hints from the librarian
In the search function, you can search across one or more news sites.
Watch Medier facts
Geography | Focus on Danish news |
Provider | Watch Medier |
The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 05/23/2024