Follow your favourite journals

With only a few exceptions all digital journals in the CBS Library catalogue allow you to subscribe to an e-mail notification service that will alert you whenever a new issue becomes available.


Stacks with print journals
The printed journals are available on the 2nd floor.


Create a journal notification

Hvis du allerede ved, hvilke tidsskrifter, du gerne vil hold øje med, så følg vejledningen trin-for-trin. 

  1. Go to Find journals
  2. Search for the journal you wish to follow e.g. Academy of Management Journal.
  3. Under View online you chose the database that has the journal. In this case, Business Source Ultimate is the best choice.
  4. Click Business Source Ultimate
  5. You are taken to Business Source Ultimate - an Ebsco product.
  6. Click Sign in and create an account
  7. Click Share
  8. Click E-mail alert

Journal and article databases are very diverse. Look for words like Alert, Subscribe, Share or Get New Content.

Usually, you will be asked to log in to create an alert in that particular database.

You decide what you want to use as your username and password.


What if I don't know any journal names?

If you don't know specific journals within your topic, BrowZine can help you. It presents journals by subject and you can also create alerts.

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 05/21/2024