
  • 12.08.2024

    Are you new to CBS?

    When your studies begin, CBS Library is a great place to know. We have compiled some of the most important things you should know to make the most of our services. Welcome :-)
  • 27.06.2024

    Keenious: AI for searching

    Do you find it difficult to come up with keywords? Or are you tired of going through endless search results when looking for academic articles? Meet Keenious, the AI-based tool that helps you in the search process.
  • 13.06.2024

    Access to 17 news sites about Danish business

    Whether you are interested in pharma, energy, environment, finance or something completely different, Watch Medier has a news site that keeps you informed about what is happening in the industry.
  • 12.06.2024

    Need a grant? and Legathåndbogen are now available for CBS students and staff. On you can look for funding for research projects, travel, studies etc.
  • 08.05.2024

    Summer University and CBS Library

    Collection of syllabus literature, articles, and study seats; CBS Library offers a wide range of services to all our Summer University students. Here's an overview of services for students at Summer University.
  • 02.05.2024

    How to find marketing cases

    Find case studies that review campaigns and select by product, target audience, campaign objective and other parameters.
  • 02.05.2024

    3 great spots for studying

    The library is an obvious destination when you need to get away from home and concentrate on studying. If all the seats at Solbjerg Plads are booked you have some alternatives.
  • 17.04.2024

    Ready to hand in?

    Are your references and in-text citations in order? Is your reference list a mess? Confused about what style to use? We are ready to help answer your questions. And we have a little contest.
  • 04.04.2024

    Marketing and branding

    When you are looking for information on consumer trends, marketing campaigns, brands, advertising, WARC is a great choice. "A Google for marketing people" is how the marketing guru Philip Kotler describes WARC.
