
  • 02.03.2022

    CBS Library in the 1930s

    During the centennial, we look back at the 100 years that have passed since the foundation of CBS Library. We have reached the 1930s.
  • 28.01.2022

    CBS Library celebrates 100 years

    This year 100 years ago, CBS opened its very own library. At that time, the collection was small and for on-site use only. We will be celebrating the centenary throughout 2022 because we are thrilled to see that library is still used by lots of students and staff round the clock every single day.
  • 06.01.2022

    Everything you need to know about methodology

    Need reliable sources for your methodology? In that case SAGE Research Methods is a good place to start. Whether you are brand new to methodology and need help selecting and understanding the paths available to you, or a seasoned methods wizard who wants to explore the theory behind and find case-based inspiration, Sage Research Methods is just the place to go.
  • 03.01.2022

    Keep track of Danish politics at Altinget

    For anybody who wants to stay abreast of current affairs. Access to the Altinget news site is free of charge for CBS students and staff. Check in whenever you feel like it or sign up for their newsletter.
  • 29.11.2021

    Who is on the board?

    Use the library resources to find corporate board members, their biographies, and remuneration packages.
  • 05.11.2021

    Free access to research articles

    Across the world, free access to research articles is on the agenda. Research open to everyone. See what CBS researches have published as open access and get two tools that help you find free articles.
  • 03.06.2021

    New database: Yearbook of International Organizations

    As a consequence of globalization, a multitude of international actors have emerged alongside nation states. In fact, there are so many different organizations, that it can be difficult to assess their number as well as their nature. The database Yearbook of International Organizations can help negotiate this complexity.
