
  • 18.12.2018

    Emerging markets database: EMIS

    An exciting and substantial database for those working with emerging markets, whether it's markets, politics or companies.
  • 07.11.2018

    Easy access to Statistics

    Database of the Month: Statista. Find statistics for your papers or satisfy your curiosity. Statista contains statistics from more than 22.000 sources around the world and covers more than 170 industries. And is easy to use - try it out.
  • 31.07.2018

    Open 24/7

    Calm and quiet surroundings – you can study all night at CBS Library. Read about how to get access outside office hours.
  • 05.04.2018

    Interested in shipping and the offshore industry?

    CBS Library has recently procured access to an online reference work on the maritime and offshore sectors. Below we have compiled a short list of databases relevant for anybody interested in literature and information on this topic.
  • 21.03.2018

    Courses: Perfect bibliographies

    CBS Library hosts several Mendeley courses the rest of the semester. Mendeley is a reference tool that helps you keep track of all the literature you use in your assignments. You can insert in-text citation in your text and create a complete bibliography in the style you want.
  • 07.03.2018

    Database: Kompass EasyBusiness

    Use Kompass EasyBusiness, when you want to locate companies by product or industry. It has a very detailed classification of companies and products and is a good supplement to other company databases.
  • 14.08.2017

    See what CBS researchers publish

    Do you want to find out what your professors are working with? Do you need inspiration for your thesis? Start your search in the CBS Research Portal.
