CBS celebrates the United Nations´ 73th anniversary by planting a tree – Sustainable Development Goal no. 15

Are you familiar with the United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goals and do you know where to find information about them?


CBS planter træ for at fejre FN

On October 24th, CBS will host an event in Kilen to celebrate the United Nations´ 73th anniversary. Several dignities are expected to attend, so check out the programme and see who will be speaking right here.
The Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the UN in an effort to address global challenges, feature prominently on the agenda. You will find detailed descriptions of the goals on the UN website.

But do you know where to turn for information about how Denmark is performing?

Eurostat, the EU statistical database, can help you. In it you can find an introduction to the Goals as well as interact with data on how Denmark is performing in terms of meeting the individual targets compared to other EU countries.

Development Goals visualisations

Progress towards the SDGs by EU member state

DK-EU comparisons

To conclude the celebrations, CBS and United Nations Copenhagen will plant a tree as a contribution towards meeting Goal no. 15: Life on Land - Plant a tree

You may also want to check out the report Sustainable Development in the European Union — Monitoring Report on Progress towards the SDGs in an EU Context — 2018 edition.


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 10/23/2018