Access to Datastream has changed

We still have access to Datastream, but the platform has changed. Now the access is via Eikon.


Datastream access changed

For many years, CBS Library has provided access to the financial database, Datastream. Over the past 10 years, access has been made through the same technical configuration. But now it's time for a change.

Partly the current access is technologically obsolete and partly CBS Library has now gained access to a new financial database Eikon, which Datastream from now on will become a part of.

However, this change will first of all affect how you can access Datastream in the future, while there are only small changes in the content and layout of the database.
Note that you can only access Datastream from the computers in Learning Resource Center at CBS Library Solbjerg Plads 1st floor.

How to get access to Datastream
More on the content of Datastream

Eikon – a new financial database

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 03/06/2019