KADK and CBS offer new programme that connects design and business

Artistic programmes in architecture and design - and business administration programmes complement each other nicely. For this reason, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) and Copenhagen Business School (CBS) have established a new joint graduate programme in Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship. A completely obvious idea to boost interdisciplinary knowledge and competences, says the business community.


In September, KADK and CBS will start enrolling students in a new graduate programme, “Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship”, which, as the first of its kind in Denmark, will combine the academic competences from artistic design and architecture programmes with the business administration competences from a CBS programme.

The objective of the programme is to teach architects and designers better business understanding - and provide CBS students with knowledge of how artistic disciplines work and thus bring these disciplines even more into play in the Danish business community.

The programme comes at a time where the government has decided to enlarge the focus on increasing growth possibilities in the creative industry, and the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs has recently appointed a growth team for the creative professions. In that way, the programme will also contribute to a current demand in terms of business policy.

Lene Dammand Lund, Rector of KADK, says:
”I am looking very much forward to an increased collaboration between KADK and CBS. There is great potential in coupling design and architecture skills with more business knowledge about entrepreneurship. In my opinion, it is an essential educational task to boost the interdisciplinary knowledge and thereby advancing the market potential of our courses further”.

Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS, says:
“CBS is thrilled to be able to offer this new programme in collaboration with KADK. Entrepreneurship is a strategically important focus area at CBS, just as we see great potential in art, culture and design in a societal as well as a commercial perspective. Denmark is known for design and architecture. With this new programme, we are able to provide graduates with the necessary knowledge and understanding across disciplines to collaborate and create value based on artistic competences and design.”

At the same time, we attach importance to collaborating with companies throughout the programme - and to place the projects in relevant societal contexts.

The graduate programme is thus established in close collaboration with BLOXHUB, which is a new international network initiated by Realdania, the Ministry for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the City of Copenhagen. The purpose is to create sustainable solutions to the increasing urbanisation of the future - across professional skills. BLOXHUB is going to set papers for and challenge the students, who will gain experience from current issues.

Mette Kynne Frandsen, CEO of Henning Larsen Architecs, says:
”I am very pleased about this new graduate programme. It is obvious to create greater synergy between the artistic competences from KADK - and the commercial competences from CBS. Our studios need employees who can combine the two knowledge fields already when they graduate, especially because the markets are so volatile. We will definitely benefit from this programme in the architectural industry”.

Programmes combining artistic competences and business understanding were previously tested abroad with success at for instance the Aalto University in Finland, MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), and Parsons School of Design (USA).


For more information, please contact:

Inge Henningsen, Media Consultant, KADK, e-mail: inge.henningsen@kadk.dk; tel.: +45 4170 1533

Read more about the programmes here:

KADK: https://kadk.dk/en/programme/strategic-design-entrepreneurship

CBS: https://www.cbs.dk/uddannelse/kandidat/candsoc-msc-in-social-science/strategic-design-and-entrepreneurship

Introductory film about the programme:



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