Adjunct Professors

Department of Strategy and Innovation is the proud host of three Adjunct Professorships. The three Adjunct Professors are each in their own way outstanding representatives of the Danish business community.

Pernille Erenbjerg

Appointed 2018-2023

Pernille Erenbjerg holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from the Copenhagen Business School and is a certified public accountant. After holding positions with Arthur Andersen and Deloitte, Pernille Erenbjerg was the Group CEO of TDC, the Danish telecommunication and technology incumbent. She also holds, or held, non-executive directorships at Genmab (biotech), Nordea (banking), DFDS (logistics), and the Royal Danish Theater (arts and entertainment). This breadth of corporate experiences in a diverse set of industries – all in dynamic markets with partially rapid and uncertain changes – is a highly valuable resource to connect with for the Department of Strategy and Innovation. Being at the executive helm of organizations, Pernille Erenbjerg has unique insights into strategizing and innovation in different environments.

Michael Moesgaard Andersen

Appointed 2019-2024


Michael Moesgaard Andersen holds degrees as cand. scient. pol. from Aarhus University and HD from CBS. From the Ministry of Finance, Michael became management consultant and subsequently partner at Deloitte, after which he established his own management consulting company, Andersen Management International A/S. Following the sale of this company after 10 years, he established his own venture activities, assisting a number of companies of which CBB Mobil, Configit, and Konsolidator (listed at Nasdaq) are the most well-known today. With a sharp focus on innovation and entrepreneurship in his investments, he has successfully exited nine companies and currently holds investments in 12 portfolio companies.

Jim Hagemann Snabe

Appointed 2022-2026

Jim Snabe
Jim Hagemann Snabe is the former co-CEO of SAP. He developed his career in the IT industry, mainly at SAP as well as a few years with IBM. He currently serves as a Member of the Board of Trustees at the World Economic Forum and has former and current appointments in the boards of Allianz, SAP, Siemens in Germany and A.P. Møller Maersk A/S and Bang & Olufsen in Denmark. He previously served on the board of Danske Bank. Jim is involved in a number of activities to leverage his digital experience to help accelerate the digital transformation of business and society. Jim Hagemann Snabe holds a Master's degree in Operational Research and Finance from Aarhus School of Business.


The page was last edited by: Department of Strategy and Innovation // 01/14/2025