Department of Strategy and Innovation
About the department
Research profile

Who are we and what do we do!
- We are a department where all our activities feed into or flow from our high-level research activities that we aim at publishing in the very best journals in management and related areas. This goes for funding, teaching and dissemination/wider impact on business and society.
- We do research on and research-based teaching in strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship and international business, ensuring research-based education for our students
- We have diverse backgrounds in e.g. Economics, Management, Organization and we use a plurality of theories and methods to analyze a diverse set of exiting (and big) research questions!
- The number of staff in the department is app. 90. This includes about 55 tenured faculty members including tenure track assistant professors and administrative staff, and 35 members of staff who are hired on temporary contracts as research assistants, post docs or PhD students.
- We are an international department (the majority of faculty members are non-Danes).
Special information for part-time teachers
SI is dedicated to ensuring the research basis and general quality of the teaching delivered by part-time teachers (DVIP) hired by the department. In order to do so a policy has been formulated. The policy is available here.
The department mainly hires part-time teachers to participate in classroom teaching based on the professional experience and qualifications of the part-time teacher. In some cases, part-time teachers are also used for supervision of projects on bachelor or master level.
All part-time teachers have a contact person in the department. The teaching coordinator Francesco Di Lorenzo ( is available for all requests. In addition, the course responsible is responsible for keeping the part-time teachers up to date on relevant requirements for the specific teaching activities at CBS.
The department will host a number of activities to make sure that the part-time teachers have access to knowledge and resources on teaching and research. They are:
Network event: In order to make sure that all part-time teachers are included in the department, they are invited for an annual networking event, where relevant topics within teaching and research are on the agenda. The event will take place in the 2nd part of May.
Development of teaching qualifications: All part-time teachers are offered the opportunity to take part in the courses of the Teaching & Learning unit of CBS ( Teaching courses (Learning to teach and Supervision of masters’ thesis) are only mandatory for part-time teachers with a contract for longer than 3 years. However, the courses are open to all and we encourage all part-time teachers to participate.
Open invitation to join department research seminars: All part-time teachers are welcome to join the events of the department. All part-time teachers are invited via Outlook. The list of seminars is also announced on this site.
You can meet our part-time teachers on the staff website.
You can find open positions and sign up to get notifications on vacant positions as part-time teacher at CBS at
Head of Secretariat
Jesper Bjørn
Phone: +45 3815 3865
Head of Department
Keld Laursen
Phone: +45 3815 2565
Department Secretary
Carolina Majlis Fink
Phone: +45 3815 2817
Teaching support
Katrine Kane
Phone: +45 3815 2513
Research support
Mie Maahr Hegelund
Phone: +45 3815 2811
Copenhagen Business School
Department of Strategy and Innovation
Kilevej 14A, 2nd floor
DK-2000 Frederiksberg