New database: Orbis Intellectual Property

In your research, are you investigating links between companies or corporate groups and patents? If that is the case, we may just have the database for you: ORBIS Intellectual Property or ORBIS IP.


 Illustration of Intellectual Property

Over the years, patents, as part of intangible assets of companies, have become increasingly important for the value creation and competitiveness of the companies themselves. Many countries have gradually started to publish their patent collections via available online databases, which means that patents can be identified by searching national databases or Espacenet, a shared interface that comprises more than 130 million patens from around the world (more than 100 countries). 

Easy to link patent data to companies

It has been quite a challenge to link patents with company information due to the content description in and the structure of patent documents. With Orbis Intellectual Property, this challenge has been overcome, as it links global patent data to companies and corporporate groups.

Orbis Intellectual Property content includes:

  • More than 115 million patents linked to information about millions of companies, which will allow you to see patent portfolios for a company and its corporate group.
  • Ownership timelines for all patents. In this way you can ascertain the number of transactions for a given patent.
  • Patent and portfolio valuations for all granted and live patents.
  • M&A information that can help you monitor patents htat have been sold as intagible assets in M&A deals.

Search tips

In Orbis Intellectual Property you can search for patents and companies by using search criteria including date range, company location, ownership structure, industry, and patent classification codes. You can identify and analyze peer groups, create league tabels and visualize data. The interface is very user-friendly, and if you are already working with the company database ORBIS, it will look remarkably familiar.

Visit Orbis Intellectual Property

Check out our guide to Patents and Research for more information on how to search for patents and for a brief introduction to Orbis Intellectual Property.


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 03/16/2022