CBS LAW: Minor in law and management at Master of Science in business administration and commercial law

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The minor consists of:

  • Common Law and Contracts
  • Law and Management
  • Digital Transformation and the Law

The minor in law and economics consists of 22,5 ECTS courses at CBS jointly with the students at the Master of Science in business administration and commercial law program. The students will through regulation and international business cases be presented of real-life business problems in a legal context. The students will use legal sources to solve strategic business problems on a management level and provide business solutions in a legal context. The digital obstacles and possibilities are presented in a business law perspective where the students will investigate how digital markets are creating legal uncertainty and legal opportunities. Common law will be presented from a British law perspective. As future managers in companies, the students will through the minor be able to identify business solutions, possibilities and obstacles arising from the law. Students with a minor degree in law and economics from CBS will contribute to the company with a significant insight on how to develop the company under the existing law and how to create new business solutions in a legal perspective. 



Course description


Common Law and Contracts


The course provides both general and specific knowledge of common law and contracts, e.i. introduction to common law, operation of the common law, the impact of the common law on global legal systems and introduction to contract law under the common law regime.




Law and Management


The course focuses on the interplay of private governance mechanisms, public law and private law doctrine in creating a rapidly developing legal framework in which all forms of production operate. Hence, the course concerns the foundational role of contracts in forming and governing the value chain. New forms of production, such as global value chains, have utilized new technologies and ideologies of governance to extend the governance effects of contract far beyond privity. The course introduces the development of these new forms of production and how they can be governed. 


Law, management

Digital Transformation and the Law


In taking the law & management approach, the course aims to provide understanding on how law can be used proactively to attract customers, compete successfully, strengthen performance, and achieve organisational goals. The students learn to understand: first, how digital world is regulated and second, how strategy is affected by such models of regulation.  In that sense, the course starts with the idea of digital transformation and disruption and how these are related to policymaking and law-making. It continues with an introduction to IT regulation from the EU perspective (with some elements of comparison with the US 



The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 01/21/2025