Anne Sophie Lassen will participate in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting


ECON's PhD student, Anne Sophie Lassen, has been nominated and selected to participate in the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences. She is among 427 applicants from around the world selected to participate in the event.

The participants will network with each other and exchange experiences with around 20 Laureates of the Sveriges Riksbank’s Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

During the Lindau Meeting, which takes place from August 23-27, Anne Sophie has further been invited to participate as a panelist on the panel “Applied Micro Revolution” together with the Nobel Laureates Joshua Angrist and Daniel McFadden.

The title of the panel refer to methodological contributions that Angrist and McFadden has made to the field of economics.  

Anne Sophie has been selected as panelist based on a chapter of her PhD that is heavily influenced by the work of Joshua Angrist. Together with David Card and Guido Imbens, Angrist received the Nobel Prize in 2021 for his work on how to use observational data and so-called natural experiments to answer questions about cause and effect. Anne Sophie uses a particular natural experiment, a Danish parental leave reform, to answer questions about increasing gender inequality upon parenthood and social norms.

More information is available here. 

The page was last edited by: Department of Economics // 08/03/2022