CBS ECON appoints a honorary doctorate to Lise Vesterlund
CBS Professor contributes to 2024 SEIO-FBBVA award winning project
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Department of Economics
Department Seminar
Upcoming seminars 2025
April 7, 2025
Speaker: Andrea Weber, Central European University
Title: Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament
April 14, 2025
Speaker: Susana Campos Martins, Global Priorities Institute and University of Oxford
Title: Novel global and regional risk factors
April 28, 2025
Speaker: Maarten De Ridder, London School of Economics
Title: Growth through Innovation Bursts
May 5, 2025
Speaker: Monica Costa-Dias, University of Bristol
Title: TBA
May 12, 2025
Speaker: Jinglun Yao, IIES Stockholm University
Title: Knowledge is (Market) Power
May 19, 2025
Speaker: Christina Felfe, University of Konstanz
Title: TBA
May 26, 2025
Speaker: Bert Willems, Tilburg University
Title: TBA
June 2, 2025
Speaker: Leonardo Bursztyn, University of Chicago
Title: TBA
June 16, 2025
Speaker: Andreas Mueller, Universität Zürich
Title: TBA
June 23, 2025
Speaker: Robert Sugden, University of East Anglia
Title: TBA
September 1, 2025
Speaker: Jakob Madsen, The University of Western Australia
Title: TBA
September 8, 2025
Speaker: Alan Manning, London School of Economics
Title: TBA
Past seminars
March 24, 2025
Speaker: David Reiner, University of Cambridge
Title: Political economy of industrial decarbonisation
March 17, 2025
Speaker: Michèle Tertilt, University of Mannheim
Title: The Political Economy of Protective Labor Laws
March 3, 2025
Speaker: Veronica Grembi, University of Rome
Title: Gender Differences in Policy Knowledge: Evidence from the Recovery and Resilience Plan
February 17, 2025
Speaker: Gabriella Conti, University College London
Title: Workforce Quality and Early Childhood Development at Scale
December 9, 2024
Speaker: Lina Aldén, Linnaeus School of Business and Economics
Title: Who Becomes a Father? The Rising Importance of Non-Cognitive Ability
November 25, 2024
Speaker: Roberta Piermartini, WTO
Title: Committing to Grow: The Full Impact of WTO Accession
November 18, 2024
Speaker: Cäcilia Lipowski, ZEW
Title: Expertise at Work: New Technologies, New Skills, and Worker Impacts
November 11, 2024
Speaker: Mishel Ghassibe, CREI Barcelona
Title: Large Shocks, Networks and State-Dependent Pricing
October 28, 2024
Speaker: Alistair J. Wilson, University of Pittsburgh
Title: The Effect of Experimenter Demand on Interference
October 22, 2024 (EXTRA Seminar)
Speaker: Sung-Ju Wu, Duke University
Title: Foreign Profit Shifting and The Welfare Responses to The US-China Trade War: Evidence from Manufacturers in Vietnam
October 21, 2024
Speaker: Johan Holmberg, Umeå University
Title: Parental Wealth and Early Labor Market Outcomes
October 7, 2024
Speaker: Gregory Clark, University of Southern Denmark
Title: Assortative Mating and the Industrial Revolution: England, 1754-2021
September 30, 2024
Speaker: Christian Bontemps, Toulouse School of Economics
Title: Price Competition and Endogenous Product Choice in Networks: Evidence from the US Airline Industry
September 23, 2024
Speaker: Eleni Aristodemu, University of Cyprus
Title: Binary Response Dynamic Panel Data Models with Switching State Dependence
September 16, 2024
Speaker: Xavier Jaravel, London School of Economics
Title: Versatile Qualitative Inquiries: A Simple Open Source Tool for AI-led Interviews
September 9, 2024
Speaker: Fabrizio Mazzonna, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Title: Health and labor market consequences of low-value care: The role of practice style
September 2, 2024
Speaker: Giammario Impullitti, The University of Nottingham
Title: Hetereogeneous Firms, Growth and the Long Shadows of Business Cycles
June 17, 2024
Speaker: Yoto Yotov, Drexel University
Title: Much Ado about Nothing? The Extraterritorial Effects of the U.S. Embargo against Cuba
June 10, 2024
Speaker: Chandler Lutz, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Title: The Impact of Crisis-Period Interest Rate Declines on Distressed Borrowers
June 3, 2024
Speaker: Ignacio Cuesta, Stanford University
Title: Vertical Integration and Plan Design in Health Insurance Markets
May 28, 2024 (Extra Seminar, please note Tuesday @10 am)
Speaker: Andre Hofmeyr, School of Economics, University of Cape Town
Title: Estimating Higher Order Risk Preferences with a Flexible Utility Function: The Bézier Curve
May 27, 2024
Speaker: Christoph Albert, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Title: Immigrants, Imports, and Welfare: Evidence from Household Purchase Data
May 13, 2024
Speaker: Alexis Toda, University of California, San Diego
Title: Housing Bubbles with Phase Transitions
May 6, 2024
Speaker: Mette Rasmussen, Copenhagen University
Title: Exploring the Role of Social Media in the Diffusion of Economic Research
April 22, 2024
Speaker: Fernando Stipanicic, University of Oslo
Title: The Creation and Diffusion of Knowledge: Evidence from the Jet Age
April 15, 2024
Speaker: Jonas Maibom, Aarhus University
Title: The Effects of Debt Relief on Labor Market Outcomes
April 8, 2024
Speaker: Clara Santamaría, Sciences Po
Title: Delayed childbearing and urban revival
March 25, 2024
Speaker: Saša Pekeč, Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business
Title: Approximate submodularity in market design
March 18, 2024
Speaker: Barbara Petrongolo, Oxford University
Title: Vacancy duration and wages
March 11, 2024
Speaker: Michele Baggio, University of Connecticut
Title: Racial Diversity and Team Performance: Evidence from the American Offshore Whaling Industry, with Metin Coşgel (University of Connecticut).
March 4, 2024
Speaker: Max Posch, University of Exeter
Title: How Social Structure Drives Innovation: Surname Diversity and Patents in U.S. History
February 12, 2024
Speaker: Ricardo Serrano-Padial, Drexel University
Title: Competing Narratives in Action: An Empirical Analysis of Model Adoption Dynamics
March 20, 2023
Speaker: Erik Wengström, Lund University
Title: Behavioral Policy Targeting: Evidence from Payments for Vaccinations
March 27, 2023
Speaker: Andreas Dzemski, University of Gothenburg
Title: Inheriting inequality
March 28, 2023
Speaker: Vasyl Namoniuk, University of Kyiv
Title: How to Build a Green Economy in Ukraine after the War: A System Dynamics Modelling Approach
April 3, 2023
Speaker: Jasmine Xiao, University of Notre Dame
Title: Expectations and Credit Slumps
April 17, 2023
Speaker: Elin Halvorsen, Statistics Norway
Title: Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation
April 24, 2023
Speaker: Eric Maskin, Harvard University
Title: A Resolution of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
April 24, 2023
Speaker: Jan van Ours, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Title: International Assortative Matching in the European Labor Market
May 1, 2023
Speaker: Maxim Massenkoff, Naval Postgraduate School
Title: Class Segregation in Daily Activities: Evidence from Location Data
May 8, 2023
Speaker: Daisuke Adachi, Aarhus Universitet
Title: Multinational Production and Corporate Labor Share
May 15, 2023
Speaker: Raphaël Giraud, University Paris VIII
Title: Confidence, Optimism, and Litigation: A Litigation Model under Ambiguity
May 22, 2023
Speaker: Georg Kirchsteiger, ECARES, Universite libre de Bruxelles
Title: Does voluntary information disclosure lead to less cooperation than mandatory disclosure ? Evidence from a sequential prisoner’s dilemma experiment
May 24, 2023
Speaker: Hongsong Zhang, HKU Business School
Title: Tax Policy, Selling Expenses, and the Growth of Young Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from a Tax Incentive Policy
June 6, 2023
Speaker: Mattia Nardotto, ECARES, Universite libre de Bruxelles
Title: Transparency and competition for influence
June 9, 2023
Speaker: Raquel Fernández, New York University
Title: Universal Basic Income: A Dynamic Assessment
June 12, 2023
Speaker: Simon Reif, ZEW
Title: Default rules, ethical reminders, and registration costs: An experiment on stem-cell donor registration
June 19, 2023
Speaker: Justin Bloesch, Columbia Business School
Title: When do Firms Profit from Wage Setting Power? Dynamic Monopsony vs. Concentration
September 4, 2023
Speaker: Pengpeng Xiao, Duke University
Title: Equilibrium Sorting and the Gender Wage Gap
September 11, 2023
Speaker: Natalie Kessler, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title: Exclusive Portfolio Dealing and Market Inefficiency
September 18, 2023
Speaker: Jo Van Biesebroeck, KU Leuven
Title: Imperfect (Re)allocation in Imperfect Markets: Evidence from China’s Pilot Carbon ETS
October 3, 2023
Speaker: Paola Manzini, University of Bristol
Title: A model of approval with an application to list design
October 9, 2023
Speaker: Dmitriy Sergeyev, Bocconi University
Title: How Oil Shocks Propagate: Evidence on the Monetary Policy Channel
October 16, 2023
Speaker: Kelly Foley, University of Saskatchewan
Title: The Occupational Ladder: Implications for Wage Growth and Wage Gaps over the Life Cycle
October 23, 2023
Speaker: Sebastian Fleitas, University of Leuven
Title: Markups and Mergers in the US Hospital Industry
October 30, 2023
Speaker: Marco Leonardi, University of Milan
Title: The real effects of land use regulation: quasi-experimental evidence from a discontinuous policy variation
November 6, 2023
Speaker: Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics
Title: Childhood Shocks Across Ages and Human Capital Formation
November 13, 2023
Speaker: Lukasz Rachel, University College London
Title: A Theory of Price Caps on Non-Renewable Resources
November 20, 2023
Speaker: Espen Moen, BI Norwegian Business School
Title: Transaction Sequencing and House Price Pressures
November 27, 2023
Speaker: Prottoy Aman Akbar, Aalto University
Title: Who benefits from faster public transit?
December 11, 2023
Speaker: Gudrun Johnsen, Danmarks Nationalbank
Title: Logic of Business Groups: A moral hazard perspective
December 18, 2023
Speaker: Jonas Hjort, University College London
Title: Ethnic Discrimination in States: Experimental Evidence from Peru
March 7, 2022
Speaker: Andreas Ek, Lund University
Title: Cultural Values and Productivity
March 11, 2022
Speaker: Karl Harmenberg, BI Norwegian Business School
Title: Macroeconomic dynamics with rigid wage contracts
March 14, 2022
Speaker: Anna Piil Damm, Aarhus University
Title: Co-Ethnic Neighbors and Investment in Host-Country Language Skills
March 21, 2022
Speaker: Yoko Okuyama, Uppsala University
Title: Electoral institutions, women's representation, and policy outcomes
March 28, 2022
Speaker: Richard Audoly, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Title: Job Ladder, Human Capital, and the Cost of Job Loss
April 4, 2022
Speaker: Sara Signorelli, Amsterdam School of Economics
Title: Human Mobility and the Globalization of Knowledge Production: Causal Evidence from Multinational Enterprises
April 25, 2022
Speaker: Peter Normann Sørensen, University of Copenhagen
Title: Competitive Selection and Information Aggregation in Auctions
May 2, 2022
Speaker: Romain Ranciere, University of Southern California
Title: International Diversification, Reallocation, and the Labor Share
May 6, 2022
Speaker: David Hémous, University of Zürich
Title: Climate Change, Directed Innovation, and Energy Transition: The Long-run Consequences of the Shale Gas Revolution
May 9, 2022
Speaker: Takashi Hayashi, University of Glasgow
Title: Recursive median-voter equilibrium in public capital accumulation
May 16, 2022
Speaker: Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, University of Bonn
Title: The Distribution of Ambiguity Attitudes
May 23, 2022
Speaker: Robert Miller, Carnegie Mellon University
Title: Job Search and Matching by Race and Gender
June 13, 2022
Speaker: Johanna Wallenius, Stockholm School of Economics
Title: Can Wealth Buy Health? A Model of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Investments in Health
June 20, 2022
Speaker: Enrico Spolaore, Tufts University
Title: Barriers to Global Capital Allocation
August 29, 2022
Speaker: Simone Moriconi, IÉSEG School of Management
Title: Are Immigrants More Left-Leaning than Natives?
September 5, 2022
Speaker: Harim Kim, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Title: Cleaner but Volatile Energy? The Effect of Coal Plant Retirement on Market Competition in the Wholesale Electricity Market
September 12, 2022
Speaker: Bernhard Ganglmair, University of Mannheim and ZEW
Title: Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Trade Secrets Laws
September 20, 2022
Speaker: Suzanna Khalifa, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Title: Female Genital Cutting and Bride-Price
September 26, 2022
Speaker: Parantap Basu, Durham University
Title: Sustainable Growth with Renewable Resource
October 3, 2022
Speaker: Juan S. Muñoz-Morales, IÉSEG School of Management
Title: Signaling Specific Skills and the Labor Market of College Graduates
October 10, 2022
Speaker: Keith M. Marzilli Ericson, Boston University
Title: Liquidity Constraints and the Value of Insurance
October 24, 2022
Speaker: Katrine Jakobsen, Oxford University
Title: Do the Rich Flee Wealth Taxes? Evidence from Scandinavia
October 31, 2022
Speaker: Otto Toivanen, Aalto School of Business
Title: The Effects of Price Regulation on Pharmaceutical Expenditure and Availability
November 7, 2022
Speaker: Mikkel Høst Gandil, University of Oslo
Title: College Admission as a Screening and Sorting Device
November 14, 2022
Speaker: Peter Sandholt Jensen, Linnaeus University
Title: Institutions and industrialization: Evidence from the Free City of Eskilstuna
November 21, 2022
Speaker: Marcel Henkel, University of Bern
Title: The Role of Local Public Goods for Fiscal Policy in the Spatial Economy
November 28, 2022
Speaker: Michael Burda, Humboldt University Berlin
Title: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Price-driven Growth in a Baumol-Solow-Swan Economy
December 5, 2022
Speaker: Chen Huang, Aarhus University
Title: Arellano-Bond LASSO Estimator for Long Panel Dynamic Linear Models
March 3, 2021 (Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Amit Khandelwal, Columbia Business School
Title: Language Barriers in MNCs and Knowledge Transfers
March 22, 2021
Speaker: Michael Böhm, University of Bonn
Title: “Since You’re So Rich, You Must Be Really Smart:” Talent, Rent Sharing, and the Finance Wage Premium
May 10, 2021
Speaker: Alexandre N. Kohlhas, IIES Stockholm University
Title: A Rational Theory of Limited Attention
August 30, 2021
Speaker: Justin Bloesch, Harvard University
Title: Which Workers Earn More at Productive Firms? Position Specific Skills and Individual Worker Hold-up Power
September 6, 2021 (Online Seminar)
Speaker: Jonna Olsson, University of Edinburgh
Title: Subjective life expectancies, time preference heterogeneity and wealth inequality
September 13, 2021
Speaker: Valerie Smeets, Aarhus University
Title: High-Skill Immigration, Offshoring R&D, and Firm Dynamics
September 20, 2021
Speaker: David de la Croix, UCLouvain
Title: Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088–1800)
September 29, 2021
Speaker: Klaus Prettner, Vienna University
Title: Do you know your biases? A Monte Carlo analysis of dynamic panel data estimators Premiums
October 11, 2021
Speaker: Anne Ardila Brenøe, University of Zürich
Title: Is Parental Leave Costly for Firms and Coworkers?
October 25, 2021
Speaker: Johannes Wohlfart, University of Copenhagen
Title: The Dynamics of Information Acquisition: Evidence From Firms and Households
November 11, 2021
Speaker: Luis Bauluz, University of Bonn
Title: The Wealth of Generations
November 22, 2021
Speaker: Jonathan Hall, University of Toronto
Title: Inframarginal Travelers and Transportation Policy
November 29, 2021
Speaker: Natalie Kessler, European University Institute
Title: Optimal Lending by Stress-Tested Banks
December 6, 2021
Speaker: Ria Ivandic, University of Oxford
Title: Jihadi Terror Attacks and Local Hate Crime
December 13, 2021
Speaker: Hans Sieversten, University of Bristol
Title: The greater game in school choice: Manipulating school priorities through address changes