Energy saving measures from 1 October 2022
In light of the current energy and supply situation, CBS is introducing energy saving measures from 1 October 2022. The measures are introduced to cut electricity and heating consumption.
CBS Library has decided to close access to the library at night temporarily. As a result, starting on 1 October you will no longer be able to gain access via the night entrance at Solbjerg Plads with your key card. As a decision on whether to close the reading rooms in Graduate House at night or not is still pending, you will still be able to gain access with your key card for the time being.
CBS Library continues to offer generous opening hours, as we realize that our visitors need to access the facilities for their studies.
From 1 October, opening hours at CBS Library Solbjerg Plads are as follows:
- Monday-Friday 7:30-23:00
- Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays 8:00-22:00.
These opening hours only apply to CBS students and staff. For non-CBS-affiliated visitors, the library closes at 18:00 every day.
Energy saving measures at CBS Library
- The night entrance will be closed and the library will not be open at night.
- The temperature will be lowered to 19˚ C during opening hours and even further outside opening hours.
What else are we doing?
- New table lamps will switch off automatically after 8 min. of inactivity. Check if the diode is green - a light touch to the top of the lamp will switch on the automatic system.
- All shelving and ceiling lighting fixtures are LED.
- The lights in the newly refurbished information point area will dimmer when activity is low.
- We encourage visitors and staff to use the stairs instead of the lift whenever possible.
CBS staff will find more information on energy-saving measures on CBSshare