CBS LAW is a constituent part of Department of Business Humanities and Law and consists of 18 researchers, seven PhD Fellows, three administrative staff members, four student assistants and approximately 90 external part time teachers. In addition, there are two professors emeriti and one adjunct professor.
- CBS LAW aims to provide high quality research relevant for the Danish society at large, and is informed by the societal challenges
- CBS LAW aims to provide high quality research relevant for the Danish business community in response to the specific needs of that community
- CBS LAW operates within the European and Danish context, while also taking account of the wider Scandinavian and global context
- CBS LAW focuses on law in the business & society context
- CBS LAW creates, develops and delivers high quality research-based teaching
The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 09/23/2024
Contact CBS LAW
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 18B, 1. floor
2000 Frederiksberg
Tlf: 3815 2626
Director: Andrej Savin