Executive Master Class in Public Risk Leadership

Professor Torben Juul Andersen, EGB, who fronts the effort, explains that the public risk landscape faces major uncertainties that require higher focus among public officials for timely responses to circumvent the most severe impacts. Just think of the ripple effects from pandemic and military conflict, not to forget disruptions caused by geo-political tensions, and climate-related weather events now visible for us all. He argues: “these developments present unknowns that require risk leadership to tackle and enable effective solutions”.
This initiative will provide participants with a solid understanding of risk management tools and processes applied to deal with public exposures. The venue will also adopt a critical view on current practices in public settings around the world inviting participants to discuss how to deal with uncertain and potentially extreme public exposures. It will offer insights about risk leadership required to deal with emergent risks and prepare for the unexpected.
Magda Stepanyan, President of SRLA, backs this collaborative effort expressing a hope that the Executive Master Class in Public Risk Leadership at CBS will be able to form cohorts of public sector executives across Europe with more focus on emerging public risks. She adds: “it is our hope that this inspiring foundational course can provide a basis for interactive networks among participants that can drive a strong learning community after attending the venue and forge better public risk management for the future.”
Likewise, David Gullberg, Executive Director, Part Time Management Programs (MP) at CBS sees this initiative as a promising avenue for high-quality international executive education providing meaningful life-long learning with impact for business and society.
The Strategic Risk Leadership Association (https://srla.eu/) is a pan-European expert network aimed at advancing knowledge and use of risk management for strategic decision-making in European national and local governments comprising the public sector at large and it links to private enterprise. In an increasingly (inter)connected, complex and fast-evolving world, public policymakers and administrators are confronted with new emergent risks and uncertainties, many of which have a systemic nature that potentially can affect the socio-economic fabric of our societies.