Department of Business Humanities and Law

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Degree Programmes

At Department of Business Humanities and Law (BHL) we consider teaching and research to go hand in hand. Our societal impact by having the privilege of educating young people is at least as powerful as publishing in top ranked journals.

students at ovnhallen

At BHL a key concern is the constant challenge of learning spaces. This means not only developing new teaching methods for example through case-based learning initiatives. It also means committing to the rigorously critical thought and imaginative aspects of the liberal arts and social sciences when we place contemporary societal, managerial and organizational challenges on the curriculum. Ceasing the teaching opportunities of contemporary life means developing education programs that invite the surrounding world into the classroom by cooperating with professional partners that focus on the core dilemmas of the classical business disciplines through multi-framing and that engage seriously with student initiatives to strengthen the skills of independent thinking.

BHL has an extensive programme portfolio of which many have been been developed by us. Furthermore, the department is involved in teaching at many other CBS programmes and several of the department’s faculty serve as study or programme directors:

programmes responsible

BSc in Business Administration and Philosophy (in Danish)

The BA in Business Administration and Philosophy teaches you about the challenges companies and organisations meet in a globalised world, with increasing demands for both economic efficiency and social and societal responsibility. Through a combination of business economics and philosophy you develop skills that enables you to accommodate the often opposing demands that companies are challenged by today

Mathias Hein Jessen

MSocSc in Organisational Innovation and Entrepreneurship (in English)

The programme focuses on how to design and manage processes of innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels in society and businesses. In a co-creative and case-based learning environment, we will uncover both the theoretical and practical aspects of managing the processes that lead to the creation, implementation, and growth of innovative new ventures. With this approach you will acquire the necessary skills to start a business, create innovations, manage change and resources, and lead others in the process of turning a new idea into a viable business.

Christina Lubinski

Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship - und - Cand.soc. / MSocSc


Strategic Design Entrepreneurship is a graduate programme offered in collaboration with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. In this programme you will learn to balance and utilize knowledge of design thinking and processes in combination with tools for commercialization and management. This cross disciplinary insight will allow you to work generatively with designers from a managerial perspective as well as prepare you for design related business entrepreneurship.


Stina Teilmann-Lock

BSc in Economics and Business Administration

Uddannelsen går i dybden med alle centrale emner og problemstillinger inden for erhvervsøkonomi. Du lærer, hvordan en virksomhed lever og ånder, hvordan den hænger sammen, og hvordan den drives. Du arbejder indgående med de økonomiske sammenhænge, og hvordan du kan styrke virksomhedens økonomi.

Multiple BHL faculty

BSc in Business Administration and Sociology

In the BSc SOC you will learn how social dynamics shape business culture – and how cultural and social factors along with economic considerations affect the decision-making processes in companies and other types of private and public organisations.

Anders Sevelsted

BSc in Business Administration and Service Management

The BSc in Business Administration and Service Management combines knowledge within business economics and management with knowledge about one of three service sectors (tourism and hospitality, arts and culture or service innovation in general).

Claudia Eger
Teaching at CBS LAW Henrik Andersen


other teaching activities  
BHL offers a large number of electives each semester. CBS Electives Course Catalogue


BHL Vice-Head Education Trine Bille

The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 03/13/2025