Nordic Nine

Every choice we make defines the future. How do we share the resources? How green do we need our world to be? How should we treat our fellow citizens? What should we pass on to future generations? Our daily lives pose difficult questions that we need to address, and we need to reflect further on what we used to take for granted/issues demanding action. This new reality is reflected in the business community and society where employees and leaders are expected to co-create new ethical, social and sustainable solutions. The ability for reflection lives in all of us. With Nordic Nine, we train this ability together to reflect on how each of us can contribute to a positive future.

Nordic Nine

Annual celebration at CBS
Kick off
Nima og Nana
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

What is Nordic Nine?

Nordic Nine are nine capabilities through which we wish to inspire our students to contribute to solving societal challenges with compassion for themselves, others and the planet.

Nordic Nine is an extra dimension in our programmes that goes beyond skills and qualifications; a set of transformative capabilities that our students acquire, as Nordic Nine is reflected in all CBS’ programmes in different ways. Our teachers ensure that Nordic Nine becomes a trademark for CBS learning, so students at CBS know what to expect from their education and employers know what to expect from a CBS graduate.


#1 You have deep business knowledge placed in a broad context
#2 You are analytical with data and curious about ambiguity
#3 You recognise humanity's challenges and have the entrepreneurial knowledge to help resolve them
#4 You are competitive in business and compassionate in society
#5 You understand ethical dilemmas and have the leadership values to overcome them
#6 You are critical when thinking and constructive when collaborating
#7 You produce prosperity and protect the prosperity of next generations
#8 You grow by relearning and by teaching others to do the same
#9 You create value from global connections for local communities 



We have asked 9 inspiring people about their reflections on each of their Nordic Nine.

Nordic Nine No. 1 

Camilla Kruse, People and Purpose Leader, Deloitte


Nordic Nine No. 2 

 Mikkel Flyverbom, Professor At CBS


Nordic Nine No. 4 

Christian Sparrevohn, CO-Founder & Partner Of The Footprint


Nordic Nine No. 5 

Christian Bason, Former CEO Of Danish Design Center


Nordic Nine No. 6 

 Melissa Kälin, Student At CBS


Nordic Nine No. 7 

Henriette Christiansen, Former CEO Of Egmont Foundation


Nordic Nine No. 8 

Markus Fritz Hansen, Head Of Partnerships And Collaboration


Nordic Nine No. 9 

Peter N. Dupont, CEO of Coffee Collective



Get David Treschow Ellebyes, the President of CBS Students, view on the importance of Nordic Nine


Creating Nordic Nine

Nordic Nine is made possible through ​an extensive dialogue between CBS and all its stakeholders. Around 3000 people have co-created Nordic Nine in workshops and surveys; employers, faculty, students, staff, associations and unions.



Listen in when 4 inspiring people take a deep dive into their respective Nordic Nine competences


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/09/2024