Time, Talent and Treasure
Whether you are a CBS graduate or an engaged stakeholder CBS offers opportunities to connect or reconnect.
Spending time volunteering in your old alumni club or showing up for alumni events to socialise and learn are some ways.
If you or your company want to get into the classrooms to engage with out students, this is also an option for our partners.
Bringing you talent to the table is another. We have talented alumni who contribute and invest themselves as members of advisory boards and spending free time mentoring some of our 22.000 students – both are equally valuable for us.
And speaking of value – Some of our research projects or professorships are funded by companies – by direct funding or via a foundation. Did you know that contributing directly to The CBS Scholarship Fund is a way to invest in the future?
- How can you invest your time with us?
- Become a partner
- Share your talent - become a mentor
- Visit the CBS Scholarship Fund