Re-enrolment / Re-admission
Have you passed the first year of the current curriculum?
If you have passed 60 ECTS-points or more in courses that match the first year of the programme’s current curriculum, you can apply for re-enrolment directly to the second year.
If you have fewer than 60 ECTS-points or if your courses no longer match the first year of the current curriculum, you can apply for re-admission to the first year.
Preparing your application
Depending on your situation, you will need to meet various criteria. You can see two lists below: the first is for everyone applying for re-enrolment / re-admission and the second contains additional criteria you may need to meet depending on your situation.
All applications must:
- Be for the exact same programme as before. If a programme has since closed or changed name/status, you cannot apply for re-enrolment / re-admission
- Include documentation that you fulfil all the current entry requirements
- Include a completed
application form
- Include a study plan outlining how you plan to complete the programme
Additionally, you may also need to include:
- A statement (and any relevant supporting documents) outlining how your situation has significantly improved since you were last enrolled enabling you to complete the programme. All applicants who were previously withdrawn from their studies due to CBS rules must include this statement.
You do not need to include:
- A transcript from your previous enrolment to the programme
Key dates in the application process
All applications sent by the relevant admissions application deadline are guaranteed an answer before study start. The application deadlines are:
1 March*, 23:59 CET, for the graduate programmes
15 March, 12 noon CET, for the bachelor programmes
We will still process your application if you apply after the above deadline, but you need to apply in a different way and we cannot guarantee that you will receive an answer before the next study start.
*Non-EU applicants who fall into the Group 2 category, should apply by the Group 2 application deadline of 15 January.
How to apply
All applications sent by the admissions deadlines above must be uploaded to the relevant platform.
Bachelor: you should apply for the programme via and upload your relevant documents by latest 15 March, 12 noon CET. Remember to send an email to to inform us that you have applied once you have submitted your application.
Graduate: you should apply for the programme via the Application Portal and upload your relevant documents by latest 1 March, 23:59 CET. Remember to send an email to to inform us that you have applied once you have submitted your application.
Applications sent by the above deadlines will receive an answer before study start on 1 September.
Applying outside of the above deadlines
We will still process any applications for re-enrolment sent outside of the above deadlines; however, we cannot guarantee that you will receive an answer before the following study start. We are not able to process any applications for re-admission outside of the above deadlines.
As the application portals ( and the Application Portal) are closed outside of the admission rounds for bachelor and graduate, you will instead need to submit your form and documents physically. You can do this by either handing them in to our Student Hub at Solbjerg Plads 3 (mark your envelope of documents with “Att: Re-enrolment”) or sending them by post to: Att: Re-enrolment, Student Affairs, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg. We will send a confirmation receipt by email once we have received your application.
Other considerations
- You can check the first-year courses of your programme’s current curriculum on our website:
- When applying through or the Application Portal, you must meet all the rules, formalities and entry requirements for Bachelor Admission or Graduate Admission respectively.
- If we cannot see that your situation, and thereby your chances of completing the programme, has significantly improved, you will receive a rejection letter regardless of whether you have applied for re-enrolment to the second year or re-admission to the first year.
- If you cannot be re-enrolled directly to the second year and you have applied by the relevant admissions deadline above, your application will also be assessed on an equal basis (for re-admission to the beginning of the first year) as all other applicants in the admissions round.
- If you are re-admitted to the first year, your previously passed courses will be assessed with a view to credit transfer.
- If a programme’s curriculum has changed since you were last enrolled, there is a chance that you no longer have the first year of a programme and/or not all your courses can be credit transferred.
- If there is less than 12 months between your withdrawal date and study start, you will keep the same enrolment date. This means you risk being withdrawn once more after study start if you have exceeded the allotted study timeframe.
- You need a minimum of 5 months from your withdrawal date until the study start date.
- If your application is approved, but you have used up all your exam attempts for one or more of the courses you still need to pass in the programme, you will be granted one extra exam attempt per course.
Contact us
If you have any questions concerning re-enrolment, you are welcome to contact us at
For some former students, it may make more sense to consider instead applying for a similar programme rather than re-enrolment. Other former students may need guidance and help in preparing a realistic study plan for finishing their programme, if re-enrolled / re-admitted.
We strongly encourage you to contact a student guidance counsellor to talk through your options and plans.
Bachelor Student Guidance Counsellors
Graduate Student Guidance Counsellors
Rules and regulations
You can find the official rules and regulations governing university admission (including re-enrolment to university admission) in the official government website Unfortunately, this is available in Danish only.