Robots, AI, and IoT in Business School Research & Curriculum (RAIOT)
The objective of this research collaboration is to strengthen the internationalresearch network on second machine age technologies (robots, AI, and IoT) ininformation systems research and to identify possible ways to strengthen theincorporation of the new technologies in information systems programs and generalbusiness school curriculum.The key focus is on how the second machine age are transforming the nature ofmanagement in two advanced, yet very different settings: the US and Denmark. Theresearch collaboration will focus on how the transformation materialize insignificantly different managerial settings (cultural, economic, and geographical).Terms such as the second machine age, smart manufactoring, and industry4.0 havebeen coined to capture the attention towards the transformative potential of thesetechnologies.In the 1960s Herbert A. Simon addresed the transition from mechanisation towardsautomation: computers were changing the role of management - also in the officeoperations. During the 1970s James N. Danziger described in MISQ the frustratedmanager when it came to adoption and exploitation of computers. In 2020smanagers face challenges similar to the many unknows and uncertainty thatcharaterized the 1960 and 1970s. However, there has not appeared a strong andshared research agenda on this shift. The ambition of the proposed network is tofill this research gap with regards to a shared research agenda on managerialimplications and how to incorporate the new technologies in their educationalprograms and curriculum.
Public (National)
International Network Programme
Collaborative partners:
University of California, Irvine
Start Date:
End Date: