Academic article published

The article traces the EU's increased focus on platforms and argues that its source can be found in a desire to respond to technology convergence.
- The first part looks at why convergence and the emerging platform regulation stand in a relationship.
- The second part argues that the EU has already undergone a regulatory shift from "services" to "platforms".
- The third part looks at how the emergence of the idea and its elevation to a policy goal has already prompted changes in each of the three regulatory layers.
- The concluding part establishes that the EU policy shift from ISSs, networks and services as main regulatory units to platforms is sector-specific and prompted by attempts to address convergence. The author then argues that this approach may not necessarily be beneficial and look into alternatives involving a rethink of platform regulation across rather than within different layers.
The article can be found at Nordic Journal of Commercial Law.
The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 10/08/2019