Christina D Tvarmø and Sarah Maria Denta have both published climate law articles
The two climate law researchers, Professor Christina D. Tvarnø and Assistant Professor Sarah Maria Denta, have both published articles on the recent developments in both national and EU climate law.
Professor Christina D. Tvarnø's article "A (Non-) Net-Zero Greenhouse Gases Emission Goal in the Danish Climate Act" concerns the Danish 2020 Climate Act and concludes that the Danish concept of net-zero is not an actual net-zero goal, but a net-zero sum based on the calculated greenhouse gases rather than all greenhouse gases emitted. Furthermore, it is concluded that the lack of legal definitions and legal transparency in the Danish 2020 Climate Act causes legal uncertainty, and thus it is recommended that the calculations of emissions and absorbances of greenhouse gases are regulated by the EU.
The article is published in Carbon & Climate Law Review:
Assistant Professor Sarah Maria Denta's article "Public-Private Partnership for the Climate – From a Plastic Pollution Perspective" proposes that the EU should not just focus on regulations for halting climate change but rather work towards establishing strong(er) public-private partnerships for the climate in order to achieve the ambitious goal of the EU Climate Act for the EU to become climate-neutral by 2050.
The article is published in European Procurement & Public Private Partnerships Law Review:
Abstracts below: