Henrik Andersen is project reporter on European Law Institute project: “Climate Justice – New Challenges for Law and Judges”
European Law Institute has initiated the project: “Climate Justice – New Challenges for Law and Judges”.
Associate Professor Henrik Andersen from CBS Law is one of the project reporters. The other project reporter is Professor Alberto De Franceschi from Ferrara University, Italy, and they have a strong project team of both academics and judges.
The project aims to develop Principles for Climate Justice that are workable in practice. The goal is to provide an overview of different sources of law that courts, in particular national courts in Europe and the Court of Justice of the European Union, may apply in questions relating to climate justice with particular focus on liability of States and companies in internal and transboundary situations.
See more about the project: https://www.europeanlawinstitute.eu/projects-publications/current-projects-upcoming-projects-and-other-activities/current-projects/climate-justice/