Marie-Louise Holle, Vishv Priya Kohli and Kim Østergaard have all contributed to the Danish book "Persondata og Forskning" on personal data usage in research


Professor WSR Kim Østergaard, Associate Professor Marie-Louise Holle and Assistant Professor Vishv Priya Kohli from CBS LAW have all contributed to the book Persondata og Forskning’ (edited by Associate Professor Kent Kristensen from Universith of Southern Denmark - SDU, and published by DJØF publishing).


Namely, they have contributed with the chapters:

(18) 'Arkivering og pligtaflevering af forskningsdata' by Marie-Louise Holle

(20) 'Forskningssamarbejder og databehandleraftaler' by Kim Kristensen and Charlotte Bagger Tranberg (PhD and leading expert on data protection law) and Kim Østergaard

(24) 'Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører' by Vishv Priya Kohli, Marie-Louise Holle and Kim Østergaard

(32) 'Bøder og erstatningsansvar' by Marie-Louise Holle, Vishv Priya Kohli and Kim Østergaard


The book is in Danish and concerns Danish law. It is a result of the JURFAST project (, which involved researchers from University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Aalborg University (AAU), Aarhus University (AU), Copenhagen Business School (CBS), University of Copenhagen (UCPH / KU) and Odense Universitetshospital (OUH) and was funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. The overall scope of the project concerned clarifying the legal boundaries for the use of health data in research.


The book can be purcharsed at Djøf by following the link below:

The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 02/10/2022