Department of Business Humanities and Law

PhD defence: Christoph Viebig




In order to obtain the PhD degree, Christoph Viebig has submitted his thesis entitled:

Learning Entrepreneurship:

How capabilities shape learning from experience, reflection, and action


This PhD dissertation examines the learning process in experience-based entrepreneurship education. This learning process is characterized by continuous iterations of three components: experience, reflection, and action. Each of the three papers challenges one taken-for-granted assumption about one of those components. Those assumptions are that learning experiences occur in face-to-face settings, that reflection is an individual activity taking place in isolation, and that entrepreneurial action can be transferred seamlessly between different contexts and value systems. Taken together, this PhD dissertation contributes to a better understanding of how entrepreneurship can be learned from experience, reflection, and action.


Primary Supervisor:
Professor Christina Lubinski

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Copenhagen Business School


Secondary Supervisor:

Professor with special responsibilities Annemette Kjærgaard

Department of Management, Society and Communication

Copenhagen Business School


Assessment Committee:

Associate Professor Christian Garmann Johnsen (Chair)

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Copenhagen Business School


Associate Professor Neil A. Thompson

School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation

Vrije Univeersiteit Amsterdam


Professor Nicola Breugst

Entrepreneurship Research Institute

Technical University of Munich


The thesis will be available from


The CBS PhD School will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in the area outside room 407.


Organised by

CBS PhD School


10 March 2023




Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 26
2000 Frederiksberg
Room: PH26_407 (4th floor)


It will also be possible to attend the defence via Zoom at the following link:


*Please note in connection with the online defence that the microphone and camera of all spectators must be turned off!


The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 01/14/2025