I’m a sociologist and political scientist interested in studying contemporary elites from the point of view of inequalities and relations of power, especially in the Eastern and Central Europe. Also, I study how knowledge and expertise are embedded in social relations, including in the context of historical and geopolitical processes. I have focused my empirical research on foreign policy experts and commentators, government ministers, scholars of underdevelopment and social movements, among others. I have graduated from University of Warsaw, where I worked until 2024. Currently, I’m a member of the project “Moral Elites: The Historical Positioning of Civil Society Leaders in National Moral Economies (MORALITES)”.
Andrzej Turkowski, Gaweł Walczak, Making new ‘Solidarities’: The Polish intelligentsia and the lasting legacy of the historical social movement, “Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics,” Vol 9, No. 1, 2023.
Andrzej Turkowski, Tomasz Zarycki, From Wallerstein to Rothschild: The Sudden Disappearance of the Polish School of Dependency Theory After 1989 as a Manifestation of Deeper Trans-formations in the Global Field of Social Science, “Journal of World-Systems Research,” Vol. 29 No. 1, 2023.
Andrzej Turkowski, A Return to Prometheanism: The Space of Opinion on Polish-Russian Relations in Post-communist Poland, “Europe-Asia Studies,” vol. 75, No. 4, 2022.
Andrzej Turkowski, Zmagania na peryferiach. Elity III RP o Rosji [Struggles on the Periphery. Elites of Third Polish Republic on Russia], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar, 2020.
Andrzej Turkowski, Polish Intelligentsia Totems in Elites’ Struggles for Legitimization: The Case of Jerzy Giedroyc and Poland’s Eastern Policy, “East European Politics and Societies,” Vol. 33, No, 1, 2019.