
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Centre for Business History
  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit
Associate professor

Room: POR/18.B-2.149
, Mobile:
2614 0658
E-mail: jl.bhl@cbs.dk

My research lies within the field of 20th century élite studies, business history, and the development of relations between business and politics. Applying aspects of Social Networks Analysis, I am particularly interested in Danish industry and business elite’s reactions to the authoritarian trends of the inter-war years, the economic crisis of the 1930es, and the increasing political significance of the engineer.

I like to see my research as an ongoing attempt at reinterpreting 20th century Danish history that includes the German occupation in a longer time perspective and attempts to supply Danish national history writing with a transnational perspective.

See also this link Research Themes

Primary research areas
  • Networks and political power in Danish business, 1930-1950
  • Anti-Communism in Danish business organizations and international police co-operation, 1917-1960
  • Comparative political economy in Europe during World War II
  • Cement and politics: F.L. Smidth & Co. leader Gunnar Larsen as a cabinet minister, 1940-1945
  • Danish industry's collaboration with Germany during the occupation of 1940-1945
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Political and Economic Thought (BA, International Business and Politics)
  • Internationalisering uden for Europa (BA, Europæisk Business)
  • Institutionelle perspektiver (HA kom)

I supervise historically oriented as well as business ethics and moral-philosophical 1. and 2. year projects, BA and master's theses at IVK (BA), cand.ling.merc., IBP and HA (fil).

Selected publications
  • Danmark besat. Krig og hverdag 1940-45, 4. rev. ed., with Claus Bundgård Christensen, Jakob Sørensen & Niels Wium Olesen. Copenhagen: Informations Forlag, 2015
  • Samarbejdets mand. Minister Gunnar Larsen – Dagbog 1941-1943, vol. I-III, ed., with John T. Lauridsen. Copenhagen: Historika, 2015
  • ”The Wages of Collaboration: The German Food Crisis 1939-1945 and the Supplies from Denmark”, in Wars, States and Economic Change in Scandinavia, 1600-2000, eds Harald Espeli and Joachim Lund. Scandinavian Journal of History (special issue) vol. 38/4 (2013), 480-501
  • ”Collaboration in Print. The ’Aktion Ritterbusch’ and the Failure of German Intellectual Propaganda in Denmark, 1940-1942”, Scandinavian Journal of History 37, vol. 3 (2012), 329-54
  • ”Cement og politik. Gunnar Larsen som minister 1940-1943”, Historisk Tidsskrift vol. 112/2 (2012), 469-511
  • “Virksomhedsledelse og den autoritære stat. Knud Højgaard 1878-1968”, Historisk Tidsskrift vol. 110/1 (2010), 117-65
  • Offentligt eller privat? Historiske og aktuelle udfordringer i politik og økonomi (ed., with Lars Bo Kaspersen & Ole Helby Petersen). Copenhagen: Djøf Publishers, 2010
  • “Building Hitler’s Europe: Forced Labor in the Danish Construction Business during World War II”, Business History Review 84, vol. 3 (2010), 479-99
  • Danske tilstande – norske tilstande. Forskelle og ligheder under tysk besættelse 1940-1945 (ed., with Hans Frederik Dahl, Hans Kirchhoff & Lars-Erik Vaale). Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2010
  • Hitlers spisekammer. Danmark og den europæiske nyordning 1940-43. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2005
  • “Denmark and the ‘European New Order’, 1940-1942”, Contemporary European History, vol. 13, no. 3 (2004), 305-21
  • Partier under pres. Demokratiet under besættelsen (ed.). Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2003
Publications sorted by:



In the media

Joachim Lund / Hans Kirchhoff 9. oktober 1933 - 23. november 2023
In: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 124, No. 1, 2024, p. 186–198
Journal article
Joachim Lund; Anders Sevelsted / Deconsecration : Symbolic Sanctions, "Courts of Honour," and the Cleansing of Denmark's Who's Who After the German Occupation, 1940-1945.
In: Enterprise & Society, 8.9.2023
Journal article > peer review
Joachim Lund / A esplêndida ditadura de Salazar : Promovendo ideias autoritárias na Dinamarca democrática.
In: O Estado Novo de Salazar: Uma Terceira Via Na Era Do Fascismo. . ed. /António Costa Pinto. Coimbra : Edições 70 2022, p. 125-145
Book chapter
Joachim Lund / ‘Salazar's Splendid Dictatorship’ : Selling Authoritarian Ideas in Democratic Denmark.
In: An Authoritarian Third Way in the Era of Fascism: Diffusion, Models and Interactions in Europe and Latin America. . ed. /António Costa Pinto. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, p. 59-75 (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)
Book chapter > peer review
Claus Bundgård Christensen; Joachim Lund; Niels Wium Olesen; Jakob Sørensen / Danmark besat : Krig og hverdag 1940-45.
5.ed.København : Informations Forlag 2020, 953 p.
Book > peer review
Joachim Lund / Den tyske professor : Økonomen Julius Hirschs tre liv.
In: Venskab og fjendskab. Danmark og Tyskland i det 19. og 20. århundrede: Festskrift til Karl Christian Lammers i anledning af hans 75 års fødselsdag 4. september 2018. . ed. /Rasmus Mariager; Niklas Olsen. København : Den Danske Historiske Forening 2018, p. 173-202
Book chapter > peer review
Joachim Lund / Denmark
In: Joining Hitler's Crusade: European Nations and the Invasion of the Soviet Union. . ed. /David Stahel. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2018, p. 236-259
Book chapter > peer review
Joachim Lund / Landesgruppe Dänemark. NSDAPs udlandsorganisation i Danmark ca. 1932-1945
In: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 118, No. 1, 2018, p. 278-284
Book review
Hubert Buch-Hansen; Christoph Ellersgaard; Lasse Folke Henriksen; Anton Grau Larsen; Joachim Lund / CBS og magten : En kortlægning af netværk og indflydelseskanaler, 1917-2017.
København : Djøf Forlag 2017, 129 p.
Book > peer review
Joachim Lund / Paying for Hitler's War : The Consequenses of Nazi Hegemony for Europe.
In: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017, p. 326-327
Book review > peer review
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