
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law
Professor with special responsibilities

Room: POR/18.B-1.116
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E-mail: jt.bhl@cbs.dk

Jan Trzaskowski is currently on leave from CBS and has taken up a professorship at the Department of Law, Aalborg University. He can be contacted at jant@law.aau.dk. More information at www.humandignity.ai.

Since the mid-1990s, he has dealt with legal and regulatory aspects of information technology, and his research focuses on the protection of consumers and fundamental rights, including privacy. He has a keen interest in human decision-making (psychology and marketing) and the role of persuasive technology. Currently, he focuses on the regulation of AI and data-driven business models, including the role of human dignity (freedom, privacy and non-discrimination) and fundamental rights impact assessments. He was Head of the Danish delegation negotiating the 2000 E-Commerce Directive.

Primary research areas
  • IT and media law
  • Marketing law
  • Consumer law
  • Data protection law
  • Legal Risk Management
  • Climate law
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Selected publications


  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Behavioural Innovations in Marketing law’ in Hans Micklitz, Anne-Lise Sibony and Fabrizio Esposito (eds), Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Law (Edward Elgar Handbook series on research methods in law 2018), pp. 296–333.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Identifying the Commercial Nature of “Influencer Marketing” on the Internet’, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 65 (‘50 Years of Law and IT’), 2018, pp. 81–100.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Interpretation and Assessment under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive — the ICC Code for Advertising and Marketing and the Commission’s Staff Working Document’ in Ulf Bernitz & Caroline Heide-Jørgensen, Marketing and Advertising Law in a Process of Harmonization (Hart Publishing 2017), pp 85–103.
  • Peter Lewinski, Jan Trzaskowski & Joasia Luzak, ‘Face and Emotion Recognition on Commercial Property under EU Data Protection Law’, Psychology & Marketing, 2016, Volume 33, Issue 9, pp. 729–746.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Lawful Distortion of Consumers’ Economic Behaviour – Collateral Damage Under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’, European Business Law Review, 2016, Issue 1, pp. 25–49.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Unsolicited Commercial Communication in Social Media’, European Business Law Review, 2014, Issue 3, pp. 389–406.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘User Generated Marketing – Legal Implications when Word-of-Mouth Goes Viral’, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 2011, pp. 348–380.
  • Jan Trzaskowski, ‘Behavioural Economics, Neuroscience, and the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 2011, pp. 377–392.


  •  Jan Trzaskowski, Andrej Savin, Patrik Lindskoug & Björn Lundqvist, Introduction to EU Internet Law (2nd Edition, Ex Tuto 2018)
  • Peter Møgelvang-Hansen, Thomas Riis & Jan Trzaskowski, Markedsføringsretten (3rd Edition, Ex Tuto 2017).
  • Jan Trzaskowski (ed) et al., Internetretten (3rd Edition, Ex Tuto 2017).
  • Jan Trzaskowski, Legal Risk Management in Electronic Commerce – Managing the risk of cross-border law enforcement (Ex Tuto 2005).
Publications sorted by:
Eric K. Clemons; Andrej Savin; Maximilian Schreieck; Stina Teilmann-Lock; Jan Trzaskowski; Ravi Waran / A Face of One’s Own : The Role of an Online Personae in a Digital Age and the Right to Control One’s Own Online Personae in the Presence of Digital Hacking.
In: Electronic Markets, Vol. 34, No. 1, 4.2024
Journal article > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / International retshåndhævelse
In: Internetretten. ed. /Jan Trzaskowski. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2024, p. 807-872
Book chapter > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / Internet og jura
In: Internetretten. ed. /Jan Trzaskowski. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2024, p. 1-17
Book chapter > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski (Editor) / Internetretten
København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2024, 904 p.
Anthology > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / Manipulation by Design
In: Electronic Markets, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2024
Journal article > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / Markedsføring
In: Internetretten. ed. /Jan Trzaskowski. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2024, p. 127-198
Book chapter > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / Personoplysninger
In: Internetretten. ed. /Jan Trzaskowski. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2024, p. 59-124
Book chapter > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski (Author) ; Andrej Savin (Author) ; Patrik Lindskoug (Author) ; Björn Lundqvist (Author) / Introduction to EU Internet Law
København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2023, 534 p.
Anthology > peer review
Jan Trzaskowski / Persuasion, Manipulation, Choice Architecture and Dark Patterns
In: Research Handbook on EU Internet Law. ed. /Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 309-330 (Research Handbooks in European Law)
Book chapter > peer review
Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski / Preface
In: Research Handbook on EU Internet Law. ed. /Andrej Savin; Jan Trzaskowski. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. ix-xvi (Research Handbooks in European Law)
Book chapter > peer review
More results... (total 128 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • Ex Tuto A/S, since 2000, Academic Editor (book publishing), Director and Board Member
  • Civic Consulting GmbH, since 2012, Ad hoc sub‐contracting (European  Commission and European Parliament)
  • BEUC/European Commission, 2017–2018, Trainings for SMEs on consumer rights in the digital age.