Department of Digitalization

Jason is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Digitalization. His research uses computational methods to study human behavior in the context of a digital society. This involves topics ranging from how people fundamentally reason with information and make decisions, to how the structure of online information environments influences the beliefs people form, to how online environments can be (re)designed to promote collective intelligence. Jason holds a PhD in Psychology from Birkbeck, University of London and an MSc in Organizational Psychiatry & Psychology from King’s College London.
- Computational social science
- Judgment and decision-making
- Social networks
- Collective intelligence
- Applied Machine Learning
- Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Management
Thesis and project topics that fall within the above research areas and/or use computational methods, such as:
- Online experiments
- Machine learning
- Agent-based modelling and simulation
- Analyses of digital trace data
For a list of more specific project ideas that I’m currently interested in supervising, see here: https://bit.ly/jwb-ideas
- Burton, J. W., Herzog, S. M., & Lorenz-Spreen, P. (2024). Simple changes to content curation algorithms affect the beliefs people form in a collaborative filtering experiment. PsyArXiv Preprints.
https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5yfbt - Burton, J. W. (2023). Algorithmic Amplification for Collective Intelligence. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, Algorithmic Amplification and Society Essay Series.
https://knightcolumbia.org/content/algorithmic-amplification-for-collect... - Burton, J.W., Cruz, N. & Hahn, U. (2021) Reconsidering evidence of moral contagion in online social networks. Nature Human Behaviour.
In the media
In: Communications Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 28, 21.2.2025
In: Collective Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 2, 4.2024
In: Nature Human Behaviour, Vol. 8, No. 9, 9.2024, p. 1643-1655
In: 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024) : Cognitive Science Society 2024, p. 4554-4560 (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vol. 46)
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No. 1, 12.2024
In: 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)Seattle, WA : Cognitive Science Society 2024, p. 811-818 (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vol. 46)
In: Judgment in Predictive Analytics. ed. /Matthias Seifert. Cham : Springer 2023, p. 3–26 (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol. 343)
Paper presented at ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2022, 2022
In: Cognition, Vol. 218, 1.2022
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, No. 1, 12.2022
London : Birkbeck, University of London 2022, 159 p.
In: Nature Human Behaviour, Vol. 5, No. 12, 12.2021, p. 1629-1635
In: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021)Seattle, WA : Cognitive Science Society 2021, p. 1802-1808 (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vol. 43)
In: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Vol. 33, No. 2, 4.2020, p. 220-239
New York, NY : Columbia University 21.9.2023
AI technology is influencing how we speakare we being brainwashed?
Research: The opportunities and risks in using LLMs
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Confirmat: la IA està canviant la inteligència colectiva
Confirmado: la IA está cambiando la inteligencia colectiva
How large language models are changing collective intelligence
New Paper Articulates How Large Language Models Are Changing Collective Intelligence Forever
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Wie können wir große Sprachmodelle optimal nutzen, um eine intelligentere und integrativere Gesellschaft zu schaffen?
How can we make the best possible use of large language models for a smarter and more inclusive society?
- Affiliate of the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence
- Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development