Opening ceremony
Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) - a new Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation.
Program |
15:00-15:30 |
Alan Irwin, Dean of Research, CBS Klaus Bock, Chairman of the board, Danish National Research Foundation David Lando, Professor, Department of Finance CBS and Director of FRIC
15:30-16:30 |
Current topics in frictional finance
Lasse Heje Pedersen, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS: Understanding Buffett’s Alpha
Kristian R. Miltersen, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS:
Bond Covenants: Influence on Real Investments
David Lando, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS:
Financial Sector Linkages and the Dynamics of Bank and Sovereign Credit Spreads
16:30 |
Reception (at the Balcony second floor) |
FRIC opening ceremony
Center for Financial Frictions was one of 11 new centers to receive funding in the seventh application round of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF). The center is located at the Department of Finance at Copenhagen Business School with Professor David Lando as Director.
The center has received funding from DNRF of DKK 48 million over 6 years, with the possibility of applying for a 4-year extension.
To mark the beginning of the center’s activities, the Department of Finance and FRIC are hosting an opening ceremony at CBS which will focus on the mission and activities of the center, present examples of current research topics and give you a chance to meet the members of the center.
The research agenda
Financial frictions are costs of or impediments to financial transactions due to, for example, illiquidity of financial assets, transaction costs, borrowing constraints, capital requirements, credit risk or asymmetric information. The center will focus on theoretical and empirical analysis of the implications of these phenomena for the pricing of financial assets, economic development and the design and regulation of financial markets.
No registration needed.