Lasse Heje Pedersen wins the Fama-DFA prize

The Fama-DFA prize at the Journal of Financial Economics has been awarded to the article “Betting against Beta” by Lasse Heje Pedersen, CBS, and co-author Andrea Frazzini, AQR Capital Management


The winners of the “2014 JFE Best Paper Contests” have just been announced and the article “Betting against Beta” by Lasse Heje Pedersen, CBS, and Andrea Frazzini, AQR Capital Management has won first prize.

’Betting against beta’ was selected for the first prize of the Fama-DFA Prizes for the Best Papers Published in the Journal of Financial Economics in the Areas of Capital Markets and Asset Pricing in 2014. Journal of Financial Ecoomics is widely regarded as one of the world's top three journals in finance.

According to the JFE website, “the winners of the Jensen and Fama/DFA Prizes have been determined by an election of JFE subscribers”. The first prize consists of USD 5,000.

Previously, this article won the Swiss Finance Institute Outstanding Paper Award in 2011 as well as the Roger F. Murray Prize also in 2011.

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The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 07/11/2023