Stor dansk forskningspris til professor

Nykredits Fonds Forskningspris går til professor i finansiering, David Lando, for hans internationalt anerkendte forskning om kreditrisiko. Samme fond tildeler talentpris til adjunkt Robert Strand.


For the second time in a row, the Nykredit Research Prize is awarded to a researcher at CBS, and this time, David Lando, Professor at the Department of Finance and Director for the Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC), wins the recognition.

The prize is given to an experienced researcher who has carried out original and innovative research in the field of finance, and according to the Nykredit Foundation, David Lando has done just that with his research in finance. He is granted DKK 500,000.

- This is a important recognition from a major player in the sector, and it shows the appreciation for the research that the Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) is carrying out. I know that the jury emphasizes the fact that the research is relevant and has something to say about the financial crisis, and this is a ‘pat on the back’ which means a lot to us, says David Lando.

Important financial tools
David Lando is an internationally renowned speaker in the world of academia, at central banks, regulatory authorities and financial institutions.

The financial crisis has made the need for the professor's research even more present. According to David Lando, his research has come such a long way, because he began his study of the subject relatively early, during his PhD at Cornell University in 1994.
- I was lucky to begin my study of credit risk relatively early, and the importance of the subject has increased with time and of course even more during the crisis.

The importance of the subject is also why some of the tools I helped develop to analyse credit risk have found many different applications afterwards. Today, research on that subject has intensified tremendously, says David Lando.

Talent behind CSR research
The Nykredit Talent Prize goes to Robert Strand, Assistant Professor at the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management. He receives DKK 100,000 for his ground-breaking research within Corporate Social Responsibility.

During the past four years, three researchers from CBS have received the Nykredit Research Prize and three researchers have received the Nykredit Talent Prize.

Morten Østergaard, Science Minister, will present the prizes on 7 November 2013 at Nykredit. Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS, will attend the ceremony.

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